Urban Forestry

Urban forestry refers to the trees that are located in an urban area.  The Public Works Department is responsible for trees within the road right-of-way.  Trees within the right-of-way are trimmed based on requests from homeowners. The department also trims each tree once every five (5) years to ensure proper structure. Utility companies are responsible for all trimming around overhead utilities, including service lines to individual homes and businesses. Trees in poor health should be reported to the department for evaluation. Residents can request trees to be planted in front of their home, within the right-of-way, through the City free of charge. Find out more about the City of Springdale’s Street Tree Program.

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The City of Springdale has been a Tree City USA since 1992.  Tree City USA designation is given to those communities which meet four (4) criteria; (1) Have a Tree Board or ISA Certified Arborist on staff, (2) Tree care ordinance, (3) A community forestry program with an annual budget of at Least $2.00 per Capita, (4) An Arbor Day observance and proclamation. Find out more about Tree City USA.

Each year the City of Springdale holds celebrations to commemorate Arbor day and to recognize the City's designation as a Tree City USA Community.  Mayor Webster, representatives from the City's Parks Department, Public Works Department, and the Springdale Garden Club join together to celebrate with the children at Springdale Elementary School and Heritage Hill Elementary School.

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Following the completion of the recent city-wide comprehensive plan Plan Springdale, the City contracted with a consultant to review and develop a Urban Forest Strategic Plan.  The plan developed strategic goals and an Action Plan to help protect existing tree canopy along with looked at additional ways to promote urban canopy as a way to help meet some of the environmental objectives of the Plan Springdale.  The strategic plan created seven (7) new strategies and actions to improve the urban forest.  The City will look to make improvements that will help to improve the quality of trees within the City based on this strategic plan carrying forward.

The seven (7) strategies include;

  1. Improve data sets on Springdale trees
  2. Ensure trees are incorporated into upcoming city projects & future planning
  3. Evaluate tree protection measures in place to identify opportunities for improvement
  4. Take steps to improve the quality of Springdale tree canopy
  5. Implement Improvements to operations to ensure high quality care for public trees
  6. Improve collaboration and communication with the community
  7. institute a plan to regularly assess progress and re-evaluate next steps

A detailed explanation and the Plan can be found here.




Unfortunately, the Emerald Ash Borer is in the City of Springdale along with many other surrounding area communities. Find out more about the Emerald Ash Borer.

The City of Springdale began treating ash trees in 2009 and continues to treat some right-of-way and public property trees on a regular basis.  Trees that are being treated are in good general health and structure and planted correctly.  Currently, 420 ash trees are being treated while a remainder of 112 trees are not being treated and will eventually be removed once they die due to the infestation.


To date, the Asian Longhorned Beetle, which can be found in maple, elm, willow, birch, horsechestnut, and poplar, has NOT been located in Springdale. Staff is constantly monitoring trees within the community to ensure this pest is not present. Find out more about the Asian Longhorned Beetle.